viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010

Real faith 0r Unreal ..
Does faith exist?
What is it?
How is it?
Where is it?
Do you believe can believe on unreal things?
Can i believe on something that could be?
or never it was ..
Has the human being performed to believe just on true things or something with real prove?
Do our eyes can see the unreal things?
Do we live each day with an actual mind?
Emotions that some music can get on long sideeffects by a mix of doubt and knowledge absence ..
i don´t know why where is going to take me this world ..
while my camera and i take our spacecraft and travel through the infinity cosmic space ..

jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

It´s Romeo and Juliet a true love story?

Make us believe everything the love can be without exceptions and also how love
changes behavior, a mix of feelings that give us senses and unsatisfaction ..
through words that they express as the love poetry, the reason to get true love,
the reason to give satisfaction, the reason to fall in love for first time .. the reason to die for love and hold the word through everything that happen, through the most mad world we live or the situation we live, is the way to share the best and our best try for that we really want .. don´t be shy and share love everywhere ..
don´t be brief and get out everything you are kept for that moment you dreamed once .. die for love is not just die, because you did someday you wanted it´s not just die because it´s your time but die in love or for love.
Everything around us as human being and all the spacial stuff , that´s why we belong to this world ..

•love changes minds ..


miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010

La particularidad que hay a traves de los sentidos ..

Dentro de la imagen que crea la proyeccion en blanco y negro del personaje que se refleja en la pantalla del comportamiento artificial ..

La primera represion contra mi persona, como aquel bisquet invadido del calor que lo cocina ..
En alguna parte de la especial rutina diaria sobre la capacidad de entes que reaccionan al minimo impulso de los avisos cosmicos ..

Tratando de relacionarse para sertir el amor verdadero, sin saber su destino parecen gatos en la oscuridad, buscan amor en los pasillos del colegio ..

La vista no me ayuda y quiero hablar a través del microfono que se ha depositado en mi retina artificial, perciste la molesta incertidumbre de la proxima clase y pierdo la conciencia cuando soy el color tentativo.

Existe la invación de un nuevo color, brilla como alegria por un momento interrumpe aquella visión espacial de aquel inestable sentado en la banca de enfrente ..

El despertador aún no ha sonado y ya he despierto ..


martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

waiting the cosmic way ..

on the milkyway looking for something to share.
ideas came but i was not here ..